Meenakshree Nanda, Assistant Manager - Human Resources, Loop Mobile
It is always a deep rooted satisfaction to do our bit for our environment and planting trees is a great feeling. We should strive towards a greener planet and protect it for our future generations and that's the reason plant more trees. Grow-Trees has been an innovative and amazing association with things getting done online very easily without any hassle. The recipients of the certificates are elated and surprised with this out of the box idea. I will surely recommend Grow-Trees to everyone as it is high time we all take out few minutes from our busy schedules and contribute for Mother Nature.
Narendra Patni, Founder and Former CEO, Patni
PATNI has used Grow-Trees for Diwali and New Year Greetings. My Diwali greeting communications went out last week and I must tell you that the positive reaction from the recipients has been phenomenal. You rarely expect a reply to a Diwali greeting but the recipients have been writing back appreciating the gesture in no uncertain terms and praising PATNI for taking this step. I should add that this was mostly an India mail list. I expect a much greater favorable response when the Christmas / New Year greetings go out to the foreign audience.
Congratulations! and my compliments on thinking and implementing this wonderful idea.
Good Luck.
Tariq Ansari, Managing Director, Mid-Day Multimedia
I have been sending close friends flowers for special occasions like birthdays and anniversaries for many years now.
It has always struck me that flowers are often expensive to buy and deliver and last at the very most for three days. Also my personal experience is that one receives so many flowers and gifts on a special day that it is often hard to find place for them, which leads to a terrible waste.
Grow-Trees has allowed me to send the gift of trees to friends instead, which is more meaningful and benefits us all.
My experience with Grow-Trees has been extremely good, and I would recommend the service to anyone looking to make a statement about the environment while gifting. The service is efficient and very easy to use.
Best of all, the response from recipients has been extremely heartwarming. People who have everything don't need more things. By growing trees in their name one is able to express affection as well as do something concrete for the environment. My friends are delighted!